8th Grade Dance!! Thursday, May 2nd from 6pm-8pm. $5 Entry Fee with drinks and snacks for sale. Dress in your favorite 90's/Neon outfits! We can’t wait to celebrate with our 8th Graders before they head to IHS!
almost 6 years ago, Amy Stock
Some of our 8th grade students stayed after for Extended Day today to help them prepare for the upcoming Science and History STAAR Test.
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
The parent portal for STAAR Scores has been updated for 8th Grade math and reading. https://txparentportal.emetric.net/login?returnUrl=%2F
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Our softball team ends their season with a win over IWA 9-1. Congratulations!
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Attention 8th Grade Parents: STAAR Math and Reading scores are in! Your child received the STAAR Report Card today with valuable information regarding their score and growth from last year. For students who did not meet Approaches Grade Level, teacher are working on schedule changes to address areas of weakness for retakes May 13th and 14th. Feel free to give us a call tomorrow if you have any questions or concerns!
almost 6 years ago, Amy Stock
Preparing for STAAR with our word wall we have created all year in history.
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Five of LTJH educators were recognized this evening at the IHS Rising Star Banquet by IHS Seniors: Mr. Gambill, Mrs. Hon, Coach Miller, Ms. Waugh & Coach Thomas (not pictured Coach Thomas)
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Rising Stars
🥎 JH Softball 🥎
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Congratulations to our 7th grade baseball team!
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
We collected 11,606 plastic bags to ♻️ recycle for the H-E-B Earth Day Recycle Challenge! Mrs. Hood’s class took first place with 7,458 bags!
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Earth Day
Be sure and check out flyers on Summer Sports Camps and Freshman Camps on our website under LTJH Athletics.
almost 6 years ago, Amy Stock
B Team Softball at 6 A Team Softball at 7 this evening in Portland at the Sports Complex off of Buddy Ganem
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Jr High Softball games have been moved to Portland to the turf fields
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Summer Basketball 🏀
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Gifted and Talented
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Congratulations to our Blue Band they received a 2 on stage and a 1 in sight reading. Our White Band received a 2 on stage and a 2 on sight reading. It was a great day for LTJH Band students today! (White Band pic coming soon)
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Blue Band
Good luck to our band students at contest today!
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Congratulations! 💙⚾️
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
7th grade
The Junior High Girls Softball game has been moved to Thursday.
almost 6 years ago, Kayla Sheffield
🥎💙🥎 way to go girls!
almost 6 years ago, Heather Waugh-Hurta
Congratulations to our softball team, they won 3rd Place at the Robstown tournament!